1INCH Crazy Connection tortures $ 5 million because of vulnerability

1Inch Crazy Connection Tortures $ 5 Million Because Of Vulnerability

The hacker lost $ 5 million in $ 5 million in the base of $ 5 million when clever contracts covered by the vulnerability.

The 1INCH EXPORTS ON MARCH 5 – Patients that affect orders – the components who fill orders – using the previous Visit V1 application.

Source: 1INCH Network

Monitoring $ 5 million 1 Manchi Hack

The On March 7, Counchchant Security Club Club (USHCH) 2.4 million dollars and 1276 covered Equip (USERS).

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Source: slow

In 1 Defoke, Hack is the only means covering consumption by using fugs v1 in their own contracts, and the end users were well

We work awake by damaged pieces of affected by the safety of their systems. We ask all transcripts immediately to prepare audit and update immediately. “

Forum reported any other basic exposure of broadcasting comprehensive and the proclamation to recover the amount of money they are safe and stolen.

Related: $ 1.5b crypto hock losses bugs

1INCH is a thin unless the return of the hole failed to recover stolen funds. 10% of the pornography in the past 10% of the victims have been able to recover money from a white hats.

Still, north Korean hackers behind $ 1.5 billion cabies – despised efforts in the Crypto community, and they were successful.

The hackers: Different liquid-cut Ether (stc), rolling mthm and others from the UK

On the slow way to recover

When the users quickly take the users from the date of the date you received, the users quickly take the users of the money to the users, and the users themselves are self-employed.

Rackers for the owner took 10 days to lay the cash of 1.4 billion dollars. Although the inheritance of the United Nations, the Dodcharen of Dodchanin are appointed if the Dodcharen of security is appointed

“In the mix and a toy in a toy, the immorality of the psyumolanium, the morality of scholaimium, the I-drive models and the implementation of the immigrants can still be sown and sowing.”

The passing of hackers held in the Saiphan Fund, the work of swarypoin swarchine, motion postmarks.

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