Abu Dabbie describes $ 436.9m in Blockrock Bitcoin ETF

Blackrock Spot Bitcoin Etf

Abua Dirty in the nearby At December 31, 2024 Various $ 436.9 million in the Bloorrocks Mitcoin investment, filter with a 13F of Seck. The company used as the capital of the BB Arabic Amminras Amminras, the capacity of Abu Dabbie's government.

Bitcoin responds to the news

In response to 1% of the bill, Bikko's price is about $ 9700 following the news. In particular, the purchase was able to perform business license to work in BB ARBI. Blackrock was $ 56 billion in $ 56 billion. The investment represents one of the secret allocation with the literary sovereignty of the realistic resources.

This maybe the largest cheapto investment of the copto investment, but the city is not in digital property. The In 2023, Abu Dabbi sat down in the BraCon mines in the city. In addition, former flower contract zhagen contragngngngngnggngngngngngngngngngngngnggng is the appropriate SAFS based SAFS based on other Abu Dabs.


Abu Dabbse for Us?

Bitcoin Depending Anthony Pamthoni Pombaso would be consumed that the US strategic reservation of the American strategy of the American strategy. “The human resource fund was still using hundreds of millions of dollars in Bitcoin and Beachinian and Beachinan and Bikinan and people,” said Anthony Popia, described on social media.

He also pointed out that the world's largest world's largest resource Fund is currently pocket in Bitcoin. Now I ask, A. Explanation here.

The Crypto is related to the middle east of the Middle Eastern Middle Eastern TabO, which is related to the chest trend, which is related to the chest trend of the Middle East.

Wisconsin adds the puzzing in Ibes

In addition, the Wiscontin Investment Board (bakery) increased more than $ 3 million in the Blortrocks Faith in Blortrocks Faith (IIA). Offer to one time. Without anne, Wisconsin Board is more than IBEDs, Rachelina, and Block in the IBEET, from the IBet, it is beyond IBET.

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