Case of Web3 Chat Applications with Push Protocol Harsh Rajat

Case Of Web3 Chat Applications With Push Protocol Harsh Rajat

Episode 39 of Hashing It Out features an interview with Harsh Rajat, founder and project lead of the Push protocol, who talks about the Ethereum ecosystem and the future of on-chain chat applications. In the show, Rajat explains why Web3 messaging apps will lead the next wave of crypto adoption and the need for Web3 communities to migrate from Web2 tools and become fully on-chain.

Rajat said his innovations in the cryptocurrency industry were inspired by his background working on mobile applications. He explains that he compared Web2 and Web3 applications and realized that the ecosystem of decentralized applications needed things like notifications. Considering that notifications are an important part of user retention for Web2 applications, this was an important requirement.

Rajat believes that the Ethereum ecosystem is where innovation happens in the blockchain space. According to him, the presence of counseling and support from the community creates a favorable environment for development. Ethereum founder Vitalik Buterin pointed out that things like face-to-face communication will make a difference for those building on the blockchain. Rajat argues that he doesn't like the narrative of “Ethereum-killers” because it's impossible to kill the establishment based on the culture he describes.

With the recent changes in the Ethereum ecosystem, Rajat said it is a good thing that there are more layer-2 networks. However, some layer 2s will die, others will lead, and some will attach to another layer 2 in the long run.


Another development that Rajat is well aware of is the rise of chat apps built on Ethereum. He explains that the demand is tied to Web3 user experiences and argues that as the space grows, users are looking for Web3 solutions to enhance their communities and platforms.

“Web3 depends on communication before it even depends on features.”

The rest of the episode discusses wallets as Web3 IDs, the use of token-gated group chats, and the future of the Ethereum ecosystem.

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Listen to the latest episode of Hashing It Out with Rajat on Apple Podcasts, Spotify or TuneIn. You can also browse Cointelegraph's full list of informative podcasts on the Cointelegraph Podcasts page.

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