China hasn’t cracked encryption, at least not yet — out of mind

China Hasn'T Cracked Encryption, At Least Not Yet — Out Of Mind

Researchers at Shanghai University recently made headlines for breaking RSA encryption algorithms used in banking, military and cryptocurrency applications. However, the latest discovery of the famous YouTube brainstorming session in China says it lacks the power to impact current encryption standards due to heavy computing and physical limitations.

According to the research paper, the quantum computer used for the experiment made the integer 2,269,753. Mental Outlaw pointed out that although this is better than the records set by other quantum computers, it has not been able to surpass the records set by classical computers.

YouTube explained that the quantum computer only cracked a 22-bit key. For context, the record set by classical computers was cracking an 892-bit key, which required 2,700 physical core years to crack.

Encryption algorithms and key sizes. Source: Out of Mind

For perspective, early RSA encryption used 512-bit keys, while modern standards accepted around 2015 range from 2048 to 4096 bits. Moreover, it is not possible to combine quantum computers to gain more processing power and overcome this limitation.


Quantum bits require near-absolute temperatures to remain stable enough to function as viable data processors, which requires extensive cooling infrastructure.

Another issue highlighted in the YouTube video is that most of the quantum bits in a quantum computing system are dedicated to error correction. This means that most of the processing power in a quantum computer is used to fine-tune results rather than solving the main problem the computer is given.

The popular YouTuber says that quantum computers do not pose a significant threat to modern encryption standards, but warns that this could change as technology advances faster than expected.

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Tech companies are rushing to create quantum-resistant encryption

Tech companies are taking steps to ensure encryption standards are quantum-proof. In July 2023, banking giant HSBC revealed that it was experimenting with quantum-resistant banking infrastructure.

Later, in September 2023, IBM Quantum and Microsoft formed the Quantum Cryptography Consortium to study and develop encryption defenses in a post-quantum world.

Recently, in February 2024, Apple joined the growing list of tech companies implementing post-quantum cryptography by making iMessage quantum resistant.

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