Craig Wright likes karate so Bitcoin must be invented, sister testifies.

Craig Wright Likes Karate So Bitcoin Must Be Invented, Sister Testifies.

Computer programmer Craig Wright, the fictitious creator of bitcoin, Satoshi Nakamoto, offered personal testimony on Friday to counter his claims.

The procession consisted of three people: Wright's patent attorney, his former colleague, and his younger sister.

“He was doing the activity wearing full swords,” his sibling, Danielle DeMorgan of the Crypto Open Patent Alliance (COPA), told prosecutors on Friday.

according to Live coverage In a tweet from @binorbert, DeMorgan recalled witnessing her older brother — who was about 18 at the time — practicing martial arts in a public park. At first horrified, Wright reflected on the event as evidence that it was “exciting.”


“To this day, I still see the incident clearly, and when I heard the word Satoshi, I knew it was Craig,” DeMorgan wrote in her testimony. During her testimony, she confirmed that she was making a connection between Ninja's story and her brother's Bitcoin creator.

DeMorgan in 2010 She described a moment in early 2008 when she saw her brother in a room “full of computers and cables” working on a technical project she couldn't understand.

He was also interested in Japanese names, so when she found out he was working on Bitcoin in 2013, she thought it must be the venerable “Satoshi.”

DeMorgan's testimony came after Craig Wright himself was cross-examined over several days, accusing COPA of “industrial-scale” forgery in an attempt to convince the world that he invented bitcoin.

The trial is expected to last until the end of the month, and prosecutors are expected to seek an injunction preventing Wright from launching defamation lawsuits against many of them. naysayers who doubt his declared identity.

Next to testify was Mark Archibald, who worked with Wright in the IT department of Lassetters Casino in the late 1990s. During his time with the company, which focused on firewalls and CISCO routers, the last one between 2004 and 2005 mentioned that the “digital currency” was not liked by the government of the northern state. By “digital currency,” Archibald wasn't referring to the term “cryptocurrency,” which was coined several years later. “Mastercard and PayPal etc. have been banned by the US government, which is why digital currency was interesting,” he said. “The belief that CSW might be Satoshi is based on CSW's personality and mindset,” he said. Added, in every cover from BitMEX research. “This is my opinion. I believe it could be Craig.

The final patent attorney was Serian Jones, an advisor to Wright's blockchain technology company nChain, which is closely associated with Wright's crypto network Bitcoin Satoshi's Vision (BSV).

Jones said his patent work seemed like evidence that he was a strong candidate to become Satoshi. However, prosecutors charged Jones with understanding the inner workings of nChain and how the company combined patents believed to be owned by Wright with those developed by others.

Jones said she attended several marketing events with Wright, but only spoke to Wright twice about Satoshi. “It's not good for the market to be associated with Wright,” she told the court. “He's not the greatest character.”

Edited by Ryan Ozawa.

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