El Salvador IMF will change the Bikikic Law to meet $ 1.4 billion loan agreement

El Salvador Imf Will Change The Bikikic Law To Meet $ 1.4 Billion Loan Agreement

El Salvador to follow the rules of the international financial fund (IMF) Made a big difference. This change is part of the $ 1.4 billion of the US loan agreement with IMF dollar, which required the country to reduce the BBCone. This recent activity is to balance the commitment to confidentiality when it expects financial stability.

What did he say in the Law? Did he say?

The January 29 In January 29, El Salvador quickly accelerated the claim that it improves the country's Bitcoin laws. Business in El Salvador were asked by law to receive Bitcado in El Salvador.

But in the new law, this regulation has been removed. Now, business organizations can choose whether or not to accept BITCOIN.


Shortly after the law of the President Nai Buc, 55 after the law, 55, 55 a continuous meeting of the country's country of Korganis was held.

The Government says that this change is important from IMF IMF IMF IMF that required the government to implement a direct participation of the government.

El Salvador continued to buy Bitcoin

Even these changes El Salvador did not lose faith in bitcoin. The country has recently purchased 12 more bricks, which is adding with national stock. According to the Coninadia news account El Salvador currently contains 6,044 barscoons, $ 617 million

The average purchase of $ 43,357 in Bitcoin $ 43,357 has earned 133% of the country in investment.

ከኤል ሳልቫዶር Bitcoin Bitcoin Bitcoin Bitcoin Bitcoin Bitccoin መግዛቱን ለመቀጠል እና በ 2025 ጥረቱን የሚያጠናክርላቸውን “ያጠናክራል ብለዋል.

To overcome El Salvador, El Salvador said: “The debate” illustrates Briticon as transfusions.

El Salvador

By the first nation of a legal bid, he showed El Salvador, who was the first nation to receive Berrac. Although the government has yet and down, the government will continue to adjust their policies when waiting for the Biki strategy.

The government will remain committed to a bitcoin commitment by demonstrating their integrity with this new law.

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