Girl Scout Cookies for Crypto: Farcaster Frames 7 Things Twitter Can’t

Girl Scout Cookies For Crypto: Farcaster Frames 7 Things Twitter Can'T

FarcasterThe decentralized social media protocol has seen impressive growth in recent weeks after launching a new feature. Frames.

Frames allow users to embed interactive applications into their casts (Farcaster's version of “tweets”). The apps can perform chain and delete functions right in Farcaster, and people have been using them in all sorts of creative ways.

(Video by Rag Radio creator Benjamin White.)

Some of the basic frameworks you'll see include those that allow you to mine tokens, print NFTs, or read blogs, all without leaving Farcaster.


It's no wonder that frames have caught the attention of crypto natives—”crypto Twitter” is a pillar of the industry, even as the social media giant chases away longtime users and gradually becomes more passive and stable. As frames are created, Farcaster is taking the pillar that was once Crypto Twitter and integrating it with the ability to launch tokens, games, and even interactive haikus.

While Elon Musk X (aka Twitter) likes to call it the “everything app” of the future, Farcaster comes closest to taking everything crypto traders need and putting it in one place. Here are seven of the most creative frames we've seen to date.

Who is that pokemon?

Before venturing into the uncharted terrain of the Frames, it is important to know what spiritual forces are guiding you. So make sure you stop This frame To find out which Pokemon it will be based on your FID. FID stands for “Farcaster ID”, a number that identifies you when you join and serves as a unique identifier for your account.

If you're the first person to create an account on Farcaster, your FID 1. Frame will pick your Spirit Pokemon by taking your FID and seeing what number it matches with in the Pokedex. (Mine was lame, and I don't want to talk about it.)

Scavenger hunt

The same user who told us what to do with our ghost Pokemon also used frames to create onFrame Scammer hunting. sixThe inventor, FarCat, placed the NFT in a wallet, and hid a hint of what it was in the wallet's seed phrase frame. Scammer hunters flipped through the pages of the frame, and each page had a word clue in the genealogy.

Unfortunately, someone already ended the cheat hunt, so if you're interested in FarCat you'll have to look elsewhere.


Girl Scout Cookies

Frames are not always related to crypto. Three Farcaster users teamed up to create a frame that allows people Order Girl Scout Cookies. Venture capitalist and blogger Packy McCormick wrote about how he ordered a few boxes in the frame and was able to pay with Ethereum through Coinbase Commerce. “Smooth,” he added.

Unfortunately, the cookies were sold out at the time of writing so I was unable to order some Samoas for myself. It will be interesting to see how companies and individuals continue to experiment with frames as a potential distribution channel.

Interested FYI


of Interested FYI frame It's a way to share job opportunities. InterestedFYI generates jobs from crypto companies and puts them in a frame. Applicants can read the job description in the frame, express their interest in the job, or nominate another user for it. If Person A recommends Person B for a job and Person B gets the position—Person A receives a referral fee. Now that's a win-win.

Bounty hunting


This framework takes the common phenomenon of issuing and receiving crypto-favors for various activities and allows people to manage it all in Farcaster. with BountyBot Within Frame, users donate to the Farcaster community, give themselves bonuses, or add money to bonuses they think are worthwhile.

Play chess


Farcaster user 5outofnines used frames to create “On Frame”. Chess game. Anyone can play for free at any time. You can even choose which difficulty you want your opponent to play on. The frame pits you against an AI opponent, and you control your chess pieces by pressing buttons below the frame.



The last frame on our list is what I decided to call itStatcaster”, I expect a tithe if the creator wants to use his name. Frame, by user Farcaster George, allows anyone to enter their username and check the stats on their cast. The chart shows your frequency of engagement and how much engagement you get.

Edited by Andrew Hayward.

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