Microsoft to invest 3 billion euros in AI development in Germany.

Microsoft To Invest 3 Billion Euros In Ai Development In Germany.

Big tech giant Microsoft will invest 3.2 billion euros ($3.44 billion) in Germany over the next two years, mainly in developing its artificial intelligence (AI) infrastructure.

The funding announcement was made by the company's president and vice chairman, Brad Smith, at an event in Berlin on February 15 about the company's future plans for AI and cloud development engagement in the country.

Microsoft will focus on building new data centers in the country and developing people with AI skills. According to a Reuters report, Microsoft has made the most significant investment in Germany in 40 years.

Europe is proving to be a fertile ground for investment from major technology developers. In a statement released by the French Ministry of Economy, Finance and Industry and Digital Sovereignty on the same day, Google reveals its plans to establish a new AI-Dedicated center in the country.


According to the announcement, the center will be based in Paris and will have around 300 researchers and engineers supporting the country's AI ambitions.

This announcement comes a few days after Google announced the “AI Opportunity Initiative for Europe” on February 12th. Through the plan, Google said it would invest 25 million euros ($26.9 million) to train Europeans in AI. Sector.

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Google said it is working with governments, civil society, academics and businesses in the European Union to provide AI training to local startups, with €10 million targeting workers who need such skills to “not be left behind”.

The Italian government has introduced a similar initiative in 2023, in which it says it has allocated millions of euros to develop the digital skills of workers who will lose their jobs due to automation and AI.

These investments in European AI infrastructure and capabilities come as members of the European Parliament prepare to introduce the EU's flagship AI law. In the year

The EU's AI law will be one of the first laws in the world to track the development and deployment of AI, following China, which will introduce its own rules on the technology in August 2023.

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