MonoSwap has been hacked, you have been warned to stay away.

Monoswap Has Been Hacked, You Have Been Warned To Stay Away.

On July 24, Monoswap, a decentralized platform and decentralized exchange, announced that it had been hacked and warned users not to add or withdraw funds at this time.

In the announcement, Monoswap warned users to quickly withdraw their funds from the platform to avoid losses and the protocol to avoid dealing with the malicious link described in the social media post.

Source: Monoswap

According to Monoswap, on July 23, one of the developers accidentally installed a malicious phishing app and got in touch with scammers. At some point during the call, malicious software was installed on the developer's computer by malicious actors. This allowed the hackers to withdraw most of the liquidity on the platform.

At the time of writing, Monoswap said it is investigating and “trying to work with venture capitalists to build a better future for Monoswap.”


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