Movryk dynamics increases 5 m to build the RWA L1 Coungchane ecosystem

Mavryk Dynamics Raises $5M To Build Its Rwa L1 Blockchain Network

MAVYRK Dynamic is a RWA-Found L1 Bladcanin network. MAVYRK network tests will be available soon with the TAG (TAG). High VCS Backup Mvika includes GHAF Capital, trading brain and communication capital.

Movyryk Variable, behind the Mavryk network has successfully raised more than $ 5.2 million to develop the Near-1 suspension on the Valu-World Property.

The money raised from the file's money rounds prevents creating stored assets between financial systems and the approved-edit blocking technology (DCI).


The Tag already in the horizontal and confirmed generation test (TAG) is ready to lead the charges in the RWA economy.

Mavryk is the purposes of making property accessible

The Mavarisy network is designed to access to the access of real property by creating contradictory technology. The device system provides a user-friendly environment that can be addressed with RWAS.

The network combines traditional financial principles with Diris Diris DISSSASS, liquid protocol stores, liquid shocks and debts. It enables the upcoming major news to explore these features in dangerous independently, and allows fractions to be healed.

With strategic ticanicians, user safety and stakeholders are prepared to develop property ownership for digital ownership.

Already, the network has earned more than $ 360 million to show strong income interest on the vision.

For MIDAVS, Peacetaneously released President, “traditional, analog values,” says David David, “traditional, analog assets that focus on the future of digital network economy.

The company is the purpose of investment opportunities of investment opportunities once selected for the international audience.

Strong backup reduction from worker leaders

The fact that the $ 5.2 million investment circular circles and strategic partners.

Leading the Extreme GhaF capital, the natural brain capital, Class capital, cope capital, and Anglands Fund, and Escab's money.

Ulon Molly WOWOWR HOMEFER Families Develop Midstine, who chose to invest in Maink markets, and repaying it.

Such popular investors participate in Mavic sticks and emphasizes confidence in driving growth.

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