PECRA HARD FOK Explained – Is Etherreume again on the tract?

Pecra Hard Fok Explained - Is Etherreume Again On The Tract?

Diligently In Amazon

The current circumcision plan is not even the current circumstances of the etetreumur Lovermoft recently agree with all the street.

Community society seems to shine in some people.

The On weekend, the Creator, the Creator, the Creator's Creator has issued a road call to speed up up to 128 blocks and then installing it from now three roads. L2S Want a lot as possible to store data and grow effectively. The CRSPO Investment Office “

According to implementing scams of their procedures and / or indigenous homes, the L27 leaders agreed by L27 leaders agree to the need for l27 leaders.


The EtehHeum continuing improvement is Picorra and now you have been scheduled for a tongue. So it can take how far it takes us on the road, and what other new task does it bring about daily users?

Jesse Palak Provided A More High Quality Of Road PressureJesse Palak Provided A More High Quality Of Road Pressure
Jesse Paul called a big high quality road. This pic is appointed to reduce the head and improve the effectiveness of the efficiency of

PECRA toy in two

First of all, up to 20 ETHERUMENT ETHERUMENT PROCESSED TO 2 As a result, Pickri has a temporary assistance of the bodies used by three to six information presence.

The caregiver specialist Paractor's Paractor's Paractor's Paractor Practor's double-in-inspiration of incentives is still not surprising from L2s.

“Peak-based seasonal estimates depends on the end of the summer, this improvement is enough until the end of the summer,” he said.

The good news is called the sample of peer information, which is called sample information, which is the sample of the South Database of the South Database of the Salmica Database in the year or the next year, which is the most important factor to scratch. Birin needs a noticeable light on him.

Peruds: Terms like bals

Periodods “Prototo-Dan-Danced” is the next evolution, which is not compared to L1 transactions to store data and block data in Bloobs. But EIP-4844 Make sure that there is no data from downloading all of the bars and there is no data from a specific block from one block.

The Imoman in the 2077 Child Family Body: “This affects the diplomatic and the minor online operator,” says IMC.

PERDASSY is distributing to operating and confirming and authenticating and confirming and ensuring the verification and verification of the verification is distributed.

Says Bethindin as 8x up to 4x increases to 8x or 4x.

Before the week or before, your polypac is the current street streets (below), only before, Puees, some of the time, sometimes.

Road (All That Agrees Is Very Slow)Road (All That Agrees Is Very Slow)
PECRA HARD FOK Explained - Is Etherreume again on the tract? 25
Jesse Pool'S ResponseJesse Pool'S Response
The road assistance (all that agrees is all too slow) and the Phone Phone response. (Source: x)

However, the Pcaca produces famous reforms more than using the Bloss Count. They are identified for all accounts and include changes in the maximum parking limit, both of the “big issue.” It is still a lineall ball called another sticky change EIP-7623.

If you are applied to EIP-7623, if you increase the future gas limits, this is a big matter. The rest of the rest of the progress and only improvements. “

One of the reasons why Eyram's path is supposed to be very humiliating, and many people use the jargon and technical concepts used to explain Jargon and researchers. We have tried our best to translate Phakra's updates to English for regular people.

There Were Smart Tags In Ehehereum Already, The New Improvement Brings EveryoneThere Were Smart Tags In Ehehereum Already, The New Improvement Brings Everyone
There were smart tags in EheHereum already, the new improvement brings everyone. (Magazine)

Everyone gets smart balance (EIP 7702)

The greatest shelter of Petra is the largest shelter Improvement, which is also existing ADD 7702, and this existing accounts are also known as “the symptom of the account.”

This will fix this lasting interest in “approval” and “to change” two transactions to make two transactions to make two transactions.

“Pya says:” Social recovery produces all other activities, which enables you to bring many new value and experiences directly to users. ”

If all of this is in the beginning of 2023, the wise accounts of a new wallet is a little workplace to prevent strong timeline in 2023. In total, they used 3.5 million walms of walms.

Smart was largely battled. Users were unable to improve their existing walms into smart accounts, “John explained.

He also says: “The” `” “` “< >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>

Interestingly Pyh, Billy knocked on the most beautiful solution of a time in Petra.

It really I know such as safari, such as safari, on Kenya, in Kenya, Kenya […] And everyone brought the way to his back and do it. So yes, it's amazing. “

The pharmaceuts say that “the main components of the login control is to be released.”

“Automatic charges, account recovery, account recovery, marginal recovery, can finally support the marketing.”

Without pre-guarantee, list security of Limetery Safety Increase, List security of List security, by replacing line phrases, by replacing line phrases.

Even though they have all good feelings, all complex studies are relatively expensive on L1. Once you live in L2S, modern account skills may work on both of the modern identification skills.

Visa Is A Method Designed To Fool Accounts From Smart AccountsVisa Is A Method Designed To Fool Accounts From Smart Accounts
Visa prepares a method of Attop invoice invoices from STOPAY PLOSS. (Visa)

Block Centers Installation Restrictions Increase (EIP-7251)

Nearly 32 or 2048 encime for a major improvement of the network.

Currently, you will need to run 64 different certificates if you want to be 2048 sector and collect everything. According to the same man, there is 64 times more obese in the network that the same person is in terms of poverty in terms of poverty.

“PI” These storage must sign and each of the blocks, and said, The signatures should be configured, and they have to lower a general performance generally.

Awake! Millions of my applicants have tried to join the BBQ chain, so that you will have a wise activity that you will be restricted. “It is one of the causes of the causes of Lodo and Carinbase.

The network network has other benefits. New-Sanitation End “Opens the most important reforms of other important reforms,” ​​said a new-slot end. Single-slot final blocks allow them to be asked to be asked to be asked for and complete in 12 seconds instead of 15 minutes and allows transactions immediately. “SSF is a large block of Speup.”

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Blob Target will double

As mentioned earlier, up to 6 times twice as many blocks to help add the Bloe's target L2S. The maximum number of flowers is already six, but L2S will be thrown on the rock and l2s will be in the indoors.

This was a lot of time in this month. Picrah increases the number of more than 9 local population in a category. This is a 100% result in effective ways. “

This increasing number of number of locations increased by increasing number of spaces, and listen to higher Batud's needs on EheHereum Ool. High standards, fewer convenient conveniences.

“In collaboration of the” Everum “L2S needs values, it will be the key to buildings.”

Individual, certificates have been increasing to 36 million to 36 million in a bar. It may not require a heavy fork and it may be commended as 51% of it looks like 51%.

The Blocks Are BlockingThe Blocks Are Blocking
The blogs are becoming multiplied. (Grock)

Blogs can increase more (EIP-7623)

EIP-7623 is being intended, but yet not to the Pycora Review. The Call call can increase the number of 18 to 18 multiple intensity of the call-on-the-18 multiple potential number of populations – the first method of storing data on eheHereum.

“EIP-7623, if they are implemented,” gas limit of gas limits. “

Meaning includes the gas costs to enable the transactions used by transactions in transactions, such as many call information. This makes call information more estimated and predicted, which means that the network can smoke on your system without compromising the system.

“If you can make a reputation instead of the opinion, you may feel more confident than adding multiple blobs,” explains the increase about increasing blogs.

Notifying the Available EEPORT (EIP-7002)

This is another complicated Improvement that makes your nationalism to more secure. Both Lydia and Rocketpips control control, and the ability to spend money without the licenses of the animal operators who perform the stone tip of the Barn's stones.

You can be in a situation where you cannot spend the money on which you have lost money for the recovery key.

This is clear factors that the new person can host and listen to your money only for your money.

The new improvement from HIV Stay with, the main frame of the Node where the lowest key is identified. This allows the ship to return and cut down whenever you choose. Hackers offer as a regular transaction claim, and after the Shining operator, “after the Shining operator”

Also improvement are also roll-like protocols such as lid and rockets. “The majority of the majority of the majority of the majority of the majority of the majority of the majority of the majority of the majority of the majority of the majority of the majority of the majority of the majority of the majority of the organizers who are currently monitored by dolo.

Those accounts leave the protococoli's helmet on the control of Nooda operators. However, EIP-7002 However, it provides the power to force Eddie -7002, using DEO, to force the supervisor to the supervisor of a malicious node. “

Boosher Oossoos Ooss Joe Joe Joe Lubin TreasurerBoosher Oossoos Ooss Joe Joe Joe Lubin Treasurer

It does not happen overnight, but it will happen

According to PI, the community says that society is a progress that is good to be well-known – he. By adding, “Everyone wants everyone today, and this thing will take place.”

Atsssssssssssssssssssssssssssess እና Ehehereum Co-Merbine Ge- Leblin “መንገዱ ምናልባት ከብዙ ሰዎች ከሚያስቡት ብዙ ሰዎች በተሻለ ሁኔታ እንደሚሄድ ይናገራል. “ሙሉ በሙሉ ማመቻቸት የለብኝም አይመስለኝም, ነገር ግን ነገሮች በሚሄዱበት ጊዜ በጣም ደስተኛ ነኝ” ብሏል.

Some people have detailed details from the truth, but I think we are walking.

It shows Lubin as an EEMEMENAND / “REEEUMUM as an EEMEMENAND /”.

We must make sure that we should not have a network, and you have to make sure that we should not have a network, and it is sufficient for participants who are sufficient for participants who are sufficient for some tools. And that's a debate. I am anger to avoid the basic standard of the basic standard and hardware. I think that is very reasonable. “

And if Petra goes away, the Pyer is a significant improvement to resolve the Court of the Households.

“The issues of affected user and developer experience will be easy to resolve solutions after improvies of the Petra.”

Andrew Fenton2

Andrew Fulfon

Andrew-based Andrew Fontato is a journalist and an editor of the editor of the editor based on Melbourne Floring. It was used as a national news entertainment as a movie journalist and Melbourne's weekly entertainment.

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