Pixels, Parallel, ApeCoin and other gaming projects are set to unlock $250 million in tokens.

Pixels, Parallel, Apecoin And Other Gaming Projects Are Set To Unlock $250 Million In Tokens.

In the coming weeks, a large number of tokens tied to crypto games or gaming platforms may enter the market. Nearly $250 million in gaming tokens set to launch by end of March, data compiled Open the token.

Crypto projects often lock up their token offerings years in advance, meaning tokens intended for developers, investors, community funds, and other groups are unlocked in waves. time. Crypto traders and investors watch these opening programs closely, because the flood of additional signals on the market often affects their price.

ApeCoin (APE) – The Ethereum Token tied Boring Monkey Boat Club including ecology Another difference game— Set to open 15.6 million APE on March 16. This is worth about $38.2 million at current prices and represents 2.55% of the current circulating supply.

Right A month after the startthe PIXEL token from Ronin Farming game Pixels It holds the first unlock following the token generation event. On March 19, 54.38 million PIXEL will be unlocked, representing more than 7% of the circulating supply. That's $42.5 million worth of the token, which hit a new all-time high over the weekend.


IMX, token of the Ethereum gaming platform Immutable, represents the largest gaming token opening in March, opening with 34.19 million IMX on March 21. This is about $117.3 million at current prices, and is 2.5% below the current distribution offer. IMX also hit a two-year high last weekend.

Other popular gaming tokens this month include the YGG token Profit Guild GamesIt will open on March 27 with 16.69 million tokens – or roughly $15.9 million worth. Also, NFT card game Parallel It will unlock 1.66 million PRIME tokens on March 30, worth $32.1 million amid the token's recent surge to another all-time high.

Finally, the game that leads to income Stephen.The GMT token will begin a 30-day linear opening on March 31, opening 3.32 million GMT per day—that's $1.23 million at current prices.

Edited by Ryan Ozawa.

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