Popular Technological Rules – General, A Dream Approach

Popular Technological Rules - General, A Dream Approach

Comment on: Mervav ozar, PD

Technology is far away from the speed of light today than ever. We are renewed from Moore law – the computer power is twice a six months, not all four months, and played when you play.

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Additionally, the laws of technology are very good. There are a rule in the eye as the EU website, Web3, markets in Crypto-property, markets like markets; And as the safety of digital information, such as the EU and digital work of the EU.

This divorce are designed for users and businesses to follow. Moreover, solutions and products will prevent it to develop. Each solution combines many technologies, each technologies of the part of the part of technology will establish different rules of rules.

It is time to examine the way to control technology.

General approach

The technology companies were pushing with technologies that cut the border of our popularity. Other industries in other industries in other technologies and performance.

Everything is digital, and each product combines multiple technologies. Think of Apple Vision Provin or Meta mission. They are attached to Web3 technology, a cloudy college, digital caragraphy, and then from Web3 technology after.

An approach to regulations becomes the most suitable approach.

The solution to the full system

Most of the solutions want to integrate multiple pop technologists. How can we confirm that if we have a specific instructions and regulations for each technology? When does a rule begin?

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Special instructions may not introduce more complex, errors and wrong passage that can cause damage rather than the light. If the performance of technology is generally and is general, it must be the same approach to control.

Different technologies support each other's faults

All technologies have strengths and weaknesses, and often the strengths of a technology can support another's shortcomings.

For example, Smart Country can support EI 3 by strengthening and suspension and suspension and proficiency. በተቃራኒው, Cogchanin “ኃላፊነት የሚሰማው AI” በማሳየት ላይ “ኃላፊነት የሚሰማው”, “በማግለልም” ግልፅ, እምነት የሚጣልበት, እምነት የሚጣልበት, የታመነ, የታመነ እና ጣውላ ነፃ ነው.

When AI supports web 3 and supports the opposite, we will archive, safe, secure, safe, and trustworthy solutions. These solutions are Ai-Caleale or WeAS3-Calleare? It can be a challenge to strengthen the Commity through this solution. The solution must be met and must be all policies. These guidelines / policies will be better if there were all technologies from the bill, including their integration.

A valid approach

We need alert functional rules. Thoughts of the rules, the rules of regulations, it seems to be found in all regions, and they do not respond enough to make a framework for five or 10 years.

For example, “I buildings” Ironic Patient Methods New Polly Patient Methods New Polly Methodays ” Or better, find a regulatory framework that applies to technology no matter how much you change.

Think of a responsible creature. Responsible innovation means to work new technologies without making more problems. In other words: “Do good, do no harm”.

Responsible Innovation

Responsible Innovative principles are designed to arrest all technologies, not just ai. These principles recognize that companies and developers are not responsible for users, near users, and all technologies in society.

Responsible principles principles are general and internationally and find changes to any technologies today and in the future. This may be a basis for technology. Although regulation, regulation, regulations, should be understood in those who are responsible for responsibility to the main adoption.

Truth in technology law

The investors of 1933 law investments in 1933 law encountered “truth” in the public market in response to the stock market in 1929.

Honest and transparency, to test the public in the stock market, or that matter.

This practice has endured the temptation of time – “eternity” the law. The securities and financial industry have become more digital and more technology technology, but the main principles of this law are still continually.

According to the principles of the invention, we can hire the counsel “in the technology law, and technology, internationally, and the future.

It can create a value, but it can be pulled or destroyed. Regulation of the final two creatures of the rule may allow the original-term regulated rule to survive and float the first. International collaboration can find ways that focus on creative creative creation that values ​​the value of the international economy and community.

It can be a truth of truth in technology – global, general, permanent, lasting, lasting, lasting citizens of the world's world.

Comment on: Merv Ozar, PD

This article is for general information and should not be taken as legal or investment advice. The views, ideas and comments here are only the author and reflects or represents the types of Achanic photographs and comments.

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