Researchers at the university of Austin made the atmosphere of daily failures, how they climbed daily failures.
The group produces four centers above usage water technologies to develop various organic materials to develop various organic materials.
A beautifully new way is the PRUBUA JUPRESS about a lasting sect of water, which is to lead a great step to perform a group of research. “
According to the recent studies, it is important today that they have secure drinking water safely. That's about 50% of the population of the human population.
It is not a new one out of air, but this approach is a secure material that introduces the use of natural materials transmitted in the flow of balcony – and the use of natural objects of environmental service and the use of natural objects. The researchers have successfully converted (those in her plant), with food and potatoes (from food and potatoes) and kitts.
The other researcher, included in the study, said: “The day of the day” “This article gives us a way of touching the most important resources in nature and we will work from air-weather anywhere.”
Technology works through two-level process. First, it connects civilizations to ensure that researchers have to make a heat change. Then, the biomansic warriot will represent “Zeityity Groups” to increase the capacity of the biometer water.
The result is some-level hydrogen, but in a stake, it is a better better performance and reliable compositional.
During field tests during fields, the system is successful, which is a kilogram of up to 14.19 liters of water every day. The team typically create 1 to 5 liters every day by the same technologies.
Usually, the temperature that is easily accessible in the normal water gathering systems that are often available in the common water heater, which is often available in the normal hunger of water harvests, usually with other water heater.
This minimum power criteria will bring emergency society and emergency situations in which it is not particularly powerful.
The Professor Yue Group is developing water-generating technologies for years of water-generating systems that can be removed and removed. Currently, they are working to business and create practical equipment, including mobile waters, self-control systems, and emergency drinking equipment.