Securing your Blockchain networks, applications and smart contracts

Blockchain Development

As blockchain technology gains popularity, securing blockchain applications becomes increasingly important. With rapid developments, it is important for developers to understand how to secure blockchain networks and how to secure smart contracts. Vulnerabilities can result in significant financial losses and reputational damage, but don't worry – we're here to help!

This article explores common blockchain vulnerabilities, cryptographic principles, smart contract security best practices, strategies to prevent 51% attacks, and how decentralization affects overall security.

What do you learn?

Common Blockchain Vulnerabilities and How They Can Be Exploited Cryptographic Hashing Smart Contract Security 51% Understanding Attack and Defense Strategies The Role of Decentralization in Security


Let's dive in!

Part 1: Blockchain Vulnerabilities

1.1 Blockchain Vulnerabilities

Blockchain Vulnerabilities are vulnerabilities in the system that cyber attackers can exploit to breach the integrity of the data, disrupt the service, or gain unauthorized access. Understanding these vulnerabilities is essential to strengthening the security of blockchain networks. Some of the most common types are as follows

1. Double Spending Attacks: Double spending attacks occur when the attacker spends the same digital currency more than once. This is done by using the time taken by the network to confirm the transaction. The attacker tricks the system into accepting two transactions using the same amount. This attack is a potential disaster for the entire blockchain system and can cause huge financial losses.

Real life example: In 2014, cryptocurrency Feathercoin suffered losses and financial theft due to a double spend attack. The attacker was able to send the transaction to the exchange and then use the blockchain to reverse the transaction.

2. Seed Attacks: Seed attacks are certain double cost attacks. In this attack, the attacker creates a seed state of two concurrent transactions. Of the two transactions, one is sent to the merchant and the other is broadcast to the network. The goal is to ensure that a transaction that is beneficial to the attacker is validated while the other is rejected.

A real-life example: Bitcoin ATMs are vulnerable to seed conditions and an attacker can make a quick purchase with zero authentication.

3. Finney Attacks: Finney attack is a different type of double spend attack, where the attacker uses his own mining block to execute a fraudulent transaction. This attack is named after Hal Finney, one of the first contributors to Bitcoin. It uses the transaction time and the preparation process.

4. Vector76 Attacks: Vector76 is a hybrid attack of both seed and finny attacks. In this case, an attacker first issues a block containing a double-spending transaction. Then they release this block to the network only after completing the competitive attack, which ensures that the double spend is confirmed.

5. Transaction corruption: This is a weakness that allows an attacker to change the hash of a transaction without changing other key details. By changing the transaction ID, it allows attackers to control the flow of the transaction.

A real-life example: In 2014, Mt. Gox Bitcoin exchange failure was partly due to potential transaction tampering attacks, where hackers changed transaction IDs to make it look like transactions didn't happen.

6. Sybil Attacks: In a Sybil attack, the attacker creates multiple fake identities in the network, which helps the malicious actor to have a highly disproportionate influence on the system. When there is a large number of nodes, the attacker runs voting or decision-making processes that disrupt the blockchain operations.

Sybil Attack Summary Code:

// Create multiple fake identities in the blockchain nodefor (let i = 0; i createNode(`FakeNode${i}`); } function createNode(nodeName) { console.log(`Node ${nodeName}} added to the network ` );}

7. DDoS (Distributed Denial of Service) Attacks: An example of a DDoS attack is an attempt to overload the blockchain network with too many requests, causing it to slow down or crash. It consumes system resources in a way that affects legitimate transactions that are delayed or aborted and generally reduces the performance and availability of the blockchain.

Real life example: In 2016, Ethereum experienced a DDoS attack that exploited vulnerabilities in the network's transaction processing, causing significant delays and increasing the cost of transactions.

1.2 Vulnerabilities in consensus mechanisms

Consensus mechanisms are protocols that participants agree to in order to verify a transaction. However, each consensus method has weaknesses that an attacker can exploit. Let's take a closer look at the vulnerabilities associated with different algorithms:

1. Proof of Work (PoW): Proof of Work is a widely used consensus mechanism, primarily in cryptocurrencies such as Bitcoin. PoW is robust but has several vulnerabilities.

51% Attack: In this attack, if an entity or organization controls more than 50% of the network's computing power, they can exploit the blockchain. This can include double spending, blocking and adding new blocks. High power consumption: This is not an obvious attack but it is a vulnerability or flaw in the algorithm. In PoW, the computational power required for mining is huge, making it inefficient and environmentally unfriendly. Risk of Centralization: Miners with huge resources can dominate the network, leading to mining centralization, which eliminates the decentralized nature of blockchain.

2. Proof of Stake (PoS): Although PoS is an energy-efficient alternative to PoS, it still has some vulnerabilities:

Nothing is at risk: validators can verify multiple chains at once and this ensures nothing is lost. This can lead to double costs. Resource concentration and centralization: Validators with more coins in PoS have a higher chance of being elected and validating transactions. Hence, over time, this leads to a pooling of resources where only the wealthiest participants control the network, which undermines centralization. Long-term attacks: attackers can use old private keys to create an alternative chain long ago and confuse the current state. blockchain.

3. Delegated Proof of Intent (DPoS): DPos is a modified form of PoS with delegated authorities.

Centralized power: By having fewer agents occupying the network, the system becomes more centralized and may increase the possibility of collusion or collusion between these agents. Voters in response to votes. Therefore, the integrity of the consensus process is compromised. Low voter turnout: One of the major problems in DPoS systems is voter apathy, whereby fewer participants vote. This often means that a few select delegates are elected repeatedly; So the power is gathered between them.

Fact you need to know: 51% attacks are one of the most dangerous attacks on proof-of-work blockchains like Bitcoin.

Part 2: Cryptographic Hashing

Cryptographic hashing is critical to securing blockchain data. A cryptographic hash creates a unique identifier for a block that acts as a digital fingerprint. Key features of hash functions include:

2.1 Cryptographic principles in blockchain

Blockchain uses several encryption techniques including:

Properties of hash functions:

Determinism: The same input produces the same result that preserves consistency and determinism Fast Computation: The hash computation process must be fast and efficient, even for large databases Preimage Resistance: It must be computationally impossible to reverse engineer the original. input from the hash.Avalanche effect: small changes in the input cause a large change in the output

Popular Hashing Algorithms

SHA-256: Secure Hashing Algorithm 256 is widely used and popular for securing Bitcoin. This algorithm generates a unique fixed-size 256-bit (64-character) hash value from any input data, ensuring that even a small change in the input results in a completely different result. This algorithm is used to create digital signatures that provide authentication and security for the blockchain

import hashlib# Example datadata = “Blockchain security is powered by SHA-256!”hash_value = hashlib.sha256(data.encode()).hexdigest()

print(f”SHA-256 Hash: {hash_value}”).

Keccak-256: Keccak-256 is the hash function used for Ethereum. It is used to secure transactions and communications of smart contracts.

import sha3# Example datadata = “Ethereum is based on Keccak-256!”hash_value = sha3.keccak_256(data.encode()).hexdigest()

print(f”Keccak-256 Hash: {hash_value}”)

2.2 Encryption techniques for data security

Public Key Infrastructure (PKI): PKI is a cryptographic technique that involves generating key pairs: public and private keys for encryption and decryption, respectively. It can verify the origin and authenticity of transactions in the form of digital signatures using private keys.

paddingfrom cryptograph.hazmat.primitives.asymmetric import rsa, paddingfrom cryptograph.hazmat.primitives import hashes

# Generate private and public keys = rsa.generate_private_key(public_exponent=65537, key_size=2048) public_key = private_key. public_key()

# data to signmessage = b”secure blockchain transaction” signature = private_key.sign(message, padding.PSS(mgf=padding.MGF1(hashes.SHA256()), salt_length=padding.PSS.MAX_LENGTH), hashes.SHA256() ) printing (f) digital signature: {signature}”).

Digital Signatures: Digital signatures validate and verify transactions. One of the most widely used is the Elliptic Curve Digital Signature Algorithm (ECDSA).Merkle Trees: As the name suggests, Merkle Trees are a data structure used to efficiently authenticate databases. They allow you to quickly verify data consistency and accuracy without having to check every single data point.

Fact you need to know: Trees are the backbone of the Bitcoin architecture that ensures transaction authentication and integrity.

Part 3: Modern contract security

1. Reentrancy attacks: In a reentrancy attack, a function calls another contract before first resolving its condition, thus allowing the contract to re-enter the main function. This allows the external contract to re-enter the call function and control the state in unintended ways, which can result in unauthorized withdrawals.

Example of a clip:

pragma robustness ^ 0.8.0;

Contract VulnerableContract { map ( address => uint256 ) public Accounts ; function deposit() public Payable { balances[msg.sender] += msg.value; } function extract(uint256 size) public { required(sizes[msg.sender] >> amount, “Insufficient balance”); // Vulnerable: external call before state update( bool success, ) ={value: amount}(“”); request(success, “Transfer failed”); Scales[msg.sender] – = size; // state update after callout } }

In the code example above, the contract sends messages to msg.sender before updating their balance. A NOA attacker could exploit this vulnerability by calling an abort on a regular basis.

2. Integer Overflow and Underflow: As the name suggests, integer overflow and underflow is causing the data to exceed or undershoot the allowable range, which can lead to incorrect contracts.

uint8 public TotalSupply = 255; function incrementSupply() public { totalSupply += 1; // overflows to 0 }

3. Gas Limit Vulnerability: Smart contracts beyond the gas limit cannot be implemented, leading to incomplete transactions. This can be exploited in denial of service (DoS) attacks, especially on dynamic data structures.

3. Access Control Flaws: Lack of proper access controls can result in unauthorized function calls.

4. Unhandled Exceptions and Failed Functions: Improper handling of exceptions can lead to unexpected behavior and financial loss. Failing functions may allow unintended reception of ether or unwanted interactions without proper logic.

3.2 Best practices for secure modern contract development

Using established SafeMath libraries such as OpenZeppelin and other safety libraries.

pragma solidity ^ 0.8.0; import “@openzeppelin/contracts/utils/math/SafeMath.sol”;

contract using SecureContract { SafeMath for uint256; uint256 population balance; function deposit(uint256 amount) public { balance = balance.add(amount); }}

Code Auditing and Testing: Regularly review the code, use things like MythX and Remix IDE to scan and solve problems.Improvement Patterns: Anticipate future changes and improvements using proxy contracts and diamond patterns. Apply the Checks-Impact-Interactions pattern to manage state updates before making external calls, avoid unbounded loops, and check max limits to avoid exceeding gas limits. Use access control updates and restrict access to functions using role-based controls

contract Owner { address public Owner; update exclusiveOwner() { request(msg.sender == owner, “The caller is not the owner”); _; }}
function extract(uint256 size) public { required(sizes[msg.sender] >> amount, “Insufficient balance”); Scales[msg.sender] – = size; // state update before callout(bool success, ) ={value: amount}(“”); request(success, “Transfer failed”); }

Part 4: 51% Attacks and Defenses

4.1 Understanding 51% attacks

A 51% attack occurs when one party or group controls most of the network's computing power, allowing them to control the blockchain network and ledger.

Due to this strength of control, the attacker can perform some dangerous attacks such as double spending, and can also change the order of transactions that destroy the history of the blockchain.

Did you know: In 2019, Ethereum Classic experienced a 51% attack that resulted in a double spend and a $1 million financial loss.

4.2 Methods to prevent 51% attacks

Decentralize Hash Power: An Incentive for Decentralized Mining Power to Reduce Centralized Attack Threats. Chain Rearrangement Constraints: Set constraints to block rearrangements in the consensus protocol. Checkpoints: Use regular checkpoints to maintain the state of the blockchain.

Case Study: The Ethereum DAO Hack:

In 2016, Ethereum suffered the biggest loss and the biggest attack. The attack targeted a decentralized autonomous organization (DAO) called “DAO”, which was supposed to be a venture capital fund with the money collected through token sales.

Vulnerability: The attack is based on regeneration attack vulnerability. Ingress Attack – When a function in a smart contract makes an external call to another contract before the state of the original contract has been updated. This allowed the attacker to repeatedly withdraw funds from the DAO before the smart contract updated the balance.

Example code snippet for the main case:

// Vulnerable to re-entry attackpragma robustness Vulnerable smart contract example ^0.8.0;

Contract VulnerableContract { map ( address => uint ) public Remainder ; // Insert Ether into the contract function() public Payable { balances[msg.sender] += msg.value; } // function to extract Ether from the contract (unit_amount) public (amount)[msg.sender] >>_amount, “Insufficient balance”);

// Vulnerable code: send Ether before updating state (bool success, ) ={value: _size}(“”); request(success, “Transfer failed”); Scales[msg.sender] – = _size; // state update after outbound call } }

This attack resulted in a loss of 3.6 million Ether for 50 million dollars. This hack badly damaged Ethereum's reputation and created panic in the cryptocurrency community.

Part 5: The Role of Decentralization in Security

As we know, decentralization distributes control over the network among all participating nodes. This makes the network more robust and resistant to attacks.

5.1 The importance of blockchain decentralization

Decentralization plays a key role in security for the following reasons.

Dealing with a mistrustful environment of divided communication

5.2 Challenges of Decentralization

Decentralization is a forerunner to blockchain. However, it still comes with challenges that developers need to address. Here are the two main issues:

Scale issues: Decentralized Blockchains have a limited transaction processing speed (TPS), for example, Bitcoin can handle 7TPS and Ethereum 15-30 TPS which is significantly lower than centralized systems. For example, Visa can handle thousands of TPS. Therefore, improving the transaction flow rate is a big challenge. After this, the improvement of delay and replication time continues to be a challenge in the way of decentralized systems. By disconnecting from other nodes, attackers can create a separate log history that is separate from the main blockchain.

6.1 Practical Exercises: Developers' Battlefield

Simulate a 51% Attack: Create a controlled environment using testnets such as Ropston or Rinkeby to demonstrate how a 51% attack can be performed.


Configure a Private Ethereum Network Manage Multiple Nodes Manage Multiple Hash PowerPerform Transactions Execute the Attack Analyze the Results


Get: Ethereum client to run Nodes Ropston or Rinkby Testnets: These are test environments.

Smart Contract Security Testing: Use tools like MythX or Remix IDE to identify vulnerabilities in smart contracts.


Deploy the contract in Remix Analyze IDEA with static analysis tools Identify vulnerabilities Fix the issue Re-analyze Write unit tests


Example of a clip:

// Vulnerable to re-entry attackpragma robustness Vulnerable smart contract example ^0.8.0;

Contract VulnerableContract { map ( address => uint ) public Remainder ;

// Insert Ether into the contract function() public Payable { balances[msg.sender] += msg.value; } // function to withdraw Ether from the contract (int _amount) public (amount);[msg.sender] >>_amount, “Insufficient balance”);

// Vulnerable code: send Ether before updating state (bool success, ) ={value: _size}(“”); request(success, “Transfer failed”); Scales[msg.sender] -= _size; // state update after call out




Blockchain security is a domain that requires extreme vigilance and constant adaptation to new threats. By understanding cryptographic techniques, it becomes easier to validate smart contracts and reduce smart contract vulnerabilities. So stay curious and keep learning to stay ahead of the evolving landscape. Happy coding and reliable building!!

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