Social security numbers are privacy accountability

Social Security Numbers Are Privacy Accountability

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Social Security is like any identity – to solve a limited problem that needs to be alone. Social Security numbers are created to spread benefits. If people who fear them, they knew the design so much in a different way, knowing that they would be able to benefit from them, just as they fear them. Some, though, if social security numbers are good, we must try to make a frequency.

SSS are a frightening. They suffer two problems: sun problems and symbols of the sign. ESROPPY Problem is that they are not random, so that the secret is unwanted for what you need to expect. It's one of the production of production in order to show that you are legal. When someone gives your social security number, you will not wait any secret anymore.

A person has given a simple machine education model for estimate using the Social Security Number of simple facts. 5% for people who are born in a few years can be assigned by 10 or less than SSSSSSSSSSSSSS. It is not possible to be assessed with a better identity system.


The translated problem is easy -ones each of them to create special passwords for different websites. When a person hates, it should not affect your other entry evidence.

However, everywhere you ask for the same location is expected to give the same SSN. Anyone hurt from your net SSN. They are worse than it's passwords, and the HD Profile invasion of hundred millions of SSS are hundreds of millions of SSS. It does not have enough tormented systems that can solve your SSN.

Personal, safe future

To create a better switching system, the only thing returned is the only thing returned is the current SSN system and those who trust in it. About any modern-day system of origin (public> key smegatography, the two issues better and tremble.

The public key script that is randomly encrypted secrets, so it does not describe the secret, so Symops is not a problem. Introducing something that requires no failure because something is not wrong in entering anything because I'm threatening anything – proves that your ID is owner.

If you want to include more information than a state number, such as the Government ID, date of date, date of birth, address and photographs, then, then you can take us now. Zero knowledge-rees must be used for such complex advantages.

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When this is required to verify the facts about yourself, symptoms of symptoms when the verification is not required for more than the proof. For example, the zero knowledge of the zero can confirm that you are more than 18, without explaining any of your name or who you are.

Change to a new identity system is not easy, but it should try. We allow us to stay secrets rather than revealing the SSNe. There is no need to reveal the secret to show that I know Him in the 21st century. Cryptography is for that.

Let us make your confident that your secret cannot be easily reviewed by using the public key symptomgraphy and / or zero certifications. If we do this, emotional information will be more secure today today.

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