South Korea officially announcement of the property of the property

The South Korea prosecutorical law of the South Korean prosecutorical law are prepared to form a special unit to correct criminals. First, in the middle of 2023, the role of the violent role is increasing when it is found in CITYPO. The government plans to officially establish this practice force in the prosecutor's constitutional service.
The unit known as unit in the first diagnosis of a common diagnosis showed great improvement in the last year. 18 people who have been handled, 18 people, consistently perform some property in 41 individuals, including 181 billions of Korean ($ 97.5 million).
The government receives the growth of the government growing up the growing and integrated approach when sigopto crimesses. The Ministry of Justice plans to improve the decision of the prosecutorial office that allows additional resources, including additional resources, including additional resources.
The new class includes not only the prosecut but users, financial intelligence and other key agencies as the financial controls of government agencies. These partnership enhances the complexity of the complexity of criminal criminal criminal criminal criminal criminal criminal criminal criminal crimes, which includes pricing and fraud.
The Gyu, including luxury buildings and sport cars, have already contain valuable resources to fight Cryxy fraud. By hearing the South Korean government, the opening of the home will believe that the house improves the ability to effectively increase the challenges that increase in the CryPtop.
The Ministry of Justice is now collecting the appointment of the public, and plans to control the standard launch of the HAW.