The new Ethereum proposal aims to increase the input volume by 50%.

The New Ethereum Proposal Aims To Increase The Input Volume By 50%.

A new Ethereum Improvement Proposal (EIP) will reduce latency on Ethereum by 33% and increase data capacity – increasing overall throughput by 50%, developers say.

In the year Introduced by Ilyrid Games founder Ben Adams on October 5, the EIP-7781 aims to reduce block times on the Ethereum network from 12 seconds to eight seconds, increase the latency of established rolls, and increase the capacity of blobs – a temporary data structure. To reduce layer-2 network charges.

In an Oct. 6 post to X, anonymous developer Cigar said the EIP-7781 would be the “first big” step in improving the base layer of the Ethereum network, as most developer attention is being drawn to Ethereum's layer-2 networks. Size solutions.

Source: Cigar

In addition to increasing core network capacity, the proposal also aims to spread bandwidth usage over time, reducing peak bandwidth requirements without increasing the number of individual blocks or blobs.


Ethereum Foundation researcher Justin Drake approved the EIP on GitHub, saying that his immediate proposal is in line with some of the broader goals put forward by Ethereum co-founder Vitalik Buterin and Ethereum benchmarking organizations.

Drake says that reducing block times could make decentralized exchanges like Uniswap v3 “1.22x more efficient” and “save $100 million per year in CEX-DEX arbitrage, ultimately leading to better performance for users.”


Ethereum Foundation researcher Justin Drake approves EIP-7781. Source: GitHub

The proposal will improve the user experience of Ethereum smart contracts by reducing verification time by 33% and smoothing out “peak load” across multiple slots, Drake added.

A number of developers have pointed out that reducing block times could hurt exclusive stakeholders.

Shorter block times can increase execution speed, increasing the amount of data on the blockchain. This requires more powerful hardware and bandwidth to distribute the blockchain state in less time.

Related: Vitalik Buterin Donates 100 ETH to Roman Storm Defense Fund

Adam Cochran of Cinehaim Ventures, in a post to X on October 6, said it seems “reasonable” that the new EIP would be imposed on monopoly stakeholders as long as the gas limit per block is not changed.

“I'd like to see some testing on the I/O hardware and stacker return ping times to make sure it doesn't cut off some of the in-house stakeholders, but it looks like it should be in range for the most part,” Cochrane said.

Still, increased requirements for stakeholders could pose a problem on Ethereum's long-term path to decentralization.

This EIP comes three days after Buterin discussed his proposal to reduce the minimum amount required to become a validator on the Ethereum network from the current 36 Ether (ETH) amount to 16 or 24 ETH to improve the security and decentralization of the network.

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