This is the reason why the price of OKB has increased by 20% today.

This Is The Reason Why The Price Of Okb Has Increased By 20% Today.

On January 17, the OKB token rose more than 20% to a high of $61.29. An altcoin native to the OKX exchange, the community rose as it reacted to the news surrounding Azuki AnimeCoin (ANIME).

OKB recorded a 20% higher price increase. The price increase follows OKX's adoption of OKB as Animecoin's first mining token, their first project that aims to revolutionize the anime industry.

On Friday, January 17, the price of OKB, the native token of the OKX ecosystem, rose by 20% to $58.86. This comes after crypto platform Azuki selected the token Animecoin (ANIME) as its primary token for mining.

OKX Jumpstart and ANIME tokens

The OKX Jumpstart staking program is set to start mining Animecoin on January 20th. OKB users can carry their OKB and BTC tokens to earn anime tokens.


The program runs from January 20 to January 23.

While there is no minimum limit for OKB and BTC token holders, the maximum stake limit is set at 600 OKB and 0.3 BTC ($30,000). Stacking and unloading is allowed at any time.

Out of the total token stock of 10 billion, a share will go to the active participants in the OKX Jumpstart event. 50.5% of the total supply will be distributed to the community. 37.5% of the token will go to the Azuki community, who are the first supporters of AnimeCoin, while Community Development Future AnimeDao will get 13%. 13 percent is used as community incentives and initiatives.

Partner societies also get 2% share.

List of anime characters

The anime token is set to be listed on both the Ethereum and Arbitrum platforms on January 23rd. Sources suggest that the token will garner a huge following among anime users, creators, and improve the anime ecosystem to a great extent.

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