Turkey has established CRYPTO rules through the new laws of breasts, new laws

Turkey for matters for mathematical property providers is growing new rules for new laws (CASPS).
The March 13 Turkish capital markets and published two regulatory documents regarding CASPTO's license and operating service providers, including CASPTO Licensee and Pocket.
The Framework conducts full controlled equipment plants, which ensures national and international standards.
From COSP regulation document from COSP regulations document. Source: The official newspaper
It also establishes criteria and requirements for establishing the Sppe's property service in Turkey in Turkey.
Strive requirements for CASPS
The cameras are required to establish the infrastructure of infrastructure and to establish risk management teams dedicated to various risks. Provider must establish a price control system to inform suspicious business.
Turkish Capps should comply with current reporting requirements for updating timely information about their work.
In addition, the new framework requires that you register for Turkish Marketing Information (AML) standards and enrolling major discussions, including unknown transactions.
You have been translated by Google from CBBS CASP regulation (translated by Google). Source: The official newspaper
More than 15,000 Turkish Lira ($ 409) wants to share account information for money transactions.
According to the document, the new rolling rules of Turkey work global and follow the regulations produced by the European markets and mainly the Coming Commission Commission.
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